Our neighbors (who are either moving out or in, I can never tell) left this little beauty out amidst their refuse. For nearly a week. I kept eying it and their house, hoping I'd catch someone outside and be able to ask if they were indeed getting rid of what seemed to be a perfectly good item. T'would be silly to simply knock on their door and ask, right? I get over anxious about the weirdest things.
As my husband is in charge of taking the pups out for their evening business, he waited until dark and snagged it. So, it's technically pilfered, but if it was being thrown out its okay, right? RIGHT???
Although I recognized it as a book stand, I'd never seen one with the angled lookit-my-spine shelf before. I nearly choked on my summer salad when I looked for a similar item online and found this one, retailing for the low low price of over a grand. *cough* Uhhh, whut.
Imagine my surprise when I flipped the thing over to remove the felt pads that were making it wibbly wobbly:
Ethan Allen! Quality furniture! Huzzah! |
Ey. Ey gurl. |
Spray paint is my favorite. :) |
Digging through the boxes in our cluttered garage, I found my gold spray paint from my MST3K Crow costume and decided to give this odd little item some classy feet. Meet the Girl in Gold Boots:
My one conundrum was determining where it should go. Should I relinquish it to the boys for their game guide collections? Stash my cookbooks on it near the kitchen? Fill it with bathroom reading material? So far it's just occupying the empty transitional space between the living and dining rooms until I get nice hardbound copies of the Harry Potter collection. :)
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